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Hollywood Prep
Acting Workshops
The Two Day Intensive
Day One
Day Two
Hour 1
Introduction to course, Personal Introductions,
Assignment of scenes, First cold-reads.
Hour 2
Terminology, Theatre vs. TV/Film acting,
First Q&A.
Hour 3
Intro to acting techniques, emotion vs. illusion,
Choosing ongoing acting training.
Hour 4
First scene read-throughs, Feedback, Direction
Hour 5
Film/TV audition process, from submission to booking.
Basic audition tips, Second Q&A.
Hour 6
Mock Auditions, Feedback.
Hour 7
Second scene read-throughs, Feedback, Direction
Hour 8
Finding-Choosing an Agent/Manager. Unions,
Politics and networking.
Hour 9
Headshots and resumes, Personal marketing, IMDb.
Hour 10
Final scene performances, Final Q&A.
The following is a close approximation of the course of study that you will encounter. Various factors such as class size, Q&A session lengths, etc., can contribute to alterations in the schedule, although all topics listed will be covered.
“My whole career has been fulfilling my childhood fantasies, playing characters that are larger than life, getting to play a knight, an elf, a prince and a soldier.”
- Orlando Bloom
Workshop Cost - $245.00 - Significant Discount for early payment - $195.00 if paid by Nov. 15
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